
Information for other webmasters


This page is for the webmaster of other sites.

Add our events to any website

It is very easy to add the list of forthcoming events at London Canal Museum to any other website. There is no charge and all updates are automatic - when the London Canal Museum webmaster updates the London Canal Museum site, the content displayed on the external sites is automatically updated. This facility is ideal for sites about London, about canals, and general event listing sites. Usually we list the next 2 to 4 events in the syndicated content.

All you have to do is copy the content of the box below into the place on your page. There is nothing more to it! To copy put the cursor in the box and press CONTROL and A then CONTROL and C or use the Edit menu.

If you have any problems using this facility please get in touch

There is an example on the Visit King's Cross website, which you can look at to see how the result will look.

Link to us

Please add a link to us, the more links the better, it realy helps! Links will normally be to www.canalmuseum.org.uk but we do not object to "deep links" if you wish to link to a particular page or the home page of one of the sections on the site, e.g. The Ice House home page.

Copyright information

Many of the images on the site are the copyright of the Canal Museum Trust. However we will normally give permission for them to be used on other websites, free of charge, provided there is a link to us on the site using them. Please get in touch to ask.

Please do not link to images and include them in your website. This uses our bandwidth and we will take steps to prevent this.

The Novel Ragazzo is the copyright of the executors of the estate of Felicity Kinross

Copyright of certain maps in the education section is mentioned in the acknowledgements, accessible from the education home page.

All other text and graphics on this site are the copyright of the Canal Museum Trust